Weekly Pulse by William Meller | Week 46, 2021

Weekly Pulse by William Meller | Week 46, 2021
Weekly Pulse is a content curation and highlights from readings, books, videos, podcasts, insights, ramblings and other interesting things I discovered and digested during the last week.

So, let's go with some discoveries from last week!

#1 - For an Agile Transformation, Choose the Right People
#2 - When Collaboration Fails and How to Fix It
#3 - The Art of Innovation, TED Talk by Guy Kawasaki
#4 - Why Agility Pays
#5 - Beyond the Holacracy Hype
#6 - The Tinder Algorithm, Explained
#7 - A summary of the two mindsets by Carol Dweck
#8 - Pocket: organizing what you find to read

For an Agile Transformation, Choose the Right People

Source: Harvard Business Review
Author: Rob Cross, Heidi K. Gardner, and Alia Crocker
Year: 2021

Summary: Agile methodology, created to fast-track software development, is now being used throughout organizations by teams that want to execute projects quickly. What’s going wrong? With the help of organizational network analysis—a methodology for mapping how people collaborate—the authors have identified where unforeseen barriers undermine agile initiatives. 

When Collaboration Fails and How to Fix It

Source: MIT Sloan Management Review
Author: Rob Cross and Inga Carboni
Year: 2021

Summary: Leaders can diagnose team dysfunction by looking for six common patterns. To avoid priority overload in the first place, leaders should ask stakeholders to prioritize their requests before sharing them with the team; they should also explain both the level of demand involved in those requests and the capacity of the team to meet them.

The Art of Innovation

Source: TED Talks
Author: Guy Kawasaki
Year: 2014

When you think of launching a business, what words come to mind? Success? Profit? 

They probably do, but according to Guy Kawasaki, innovation, motivation and success are the three main points a successful entrepreneur must take. 

Why Agility Pays

Source: McKinsey
Author: Michael Bazigos, Aaron De Smet, and Chris Gagnon
Year: 2015

Summary: New research shows that the trick for companies is to combine speed with stability. Agile organizations appear to be powerful machines for innovation and learning. Their performance stands out in three of the four management practices — top-down innovation, capturing external ideas, and knowledge sharing — associated with that outcome.

Beyond the Holacracy Hype

Source: Harvard Business Review
Author: Ethan Bernstein, John Bunch, Niko Canner and Michael Lee
Year: 2016

Summary: Adopting self-management wholesale—using it to determine what should be done, who should do it, and how people will be rewarded across an entire enterprise—is hard, uncertain work, and the authors argue that in many environments it won’t pay off and the next generation of self-managing teams is demanding also a new generation of leaders

The Tinder Algorithm, Explained

Source: Vox
Author: Kaitlyn Tiffany
Year: 2019

Summary: You rose in the ranks based on how many people swiped right on (“liked”) you, but that was weighted based on whom the swipe was. The more right swipes that person had, the more their right swipe on you meant for your score. Tinder would then serve people with similar scores to each other more often, what they called “desirability.”

A Summary of the Two Mindsets by Carol Dweck

Source: Farnam Street
Author: Carol Dweck
Year: 2015

Summary: There are two main mindsets we can navigate life with: growth and fixed. Having a growth mindset is essential for success. In fact, Dweck takes this Stoic approach, writing: “in the growth mindset, failure can be a painful experience. But it doesn’t define you. It’s a problem to be faced, dealt with, and learned from.”

Pocket: Organizing What You Find to Read

Source: William Meller - New Article

Summary: When you find something you want to view later, put it in Pocket, a social bookmarking service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks. But, we don't have time to read some fascinating links we found at the exact moment we see that item on the internet. Originally named Read it Later, Pocket is designed to let you save articles, videos, and websites in a click

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