Weekly Pulse is content curation and highlights from readings, books, podcasts, insights, ramblings, and other interesting things I discovered during the week.
So, let's go with some discoveries from the week!
#1 - How To Release Control Of Your Team’s Work
#2 - Some Thoughts on Becoming Self-Actualized
#3 - How to Beat Procrastination
#4 - The Art of Feedback
#5 - Book Notes #100: Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss
How To Release Control Of Your Team’s Work
Source: Accidental CreativeAuthor: Todd Henry
Leaders who micromanage their team limit its effectiveness by controlling the work to the extent of their personal reach. To retain and encourage talented employees, managers must learn how to release their control by understanding situations where they tend to take control and the reasons why.
Managers should embrace realistic stakes in projects, establish checkpoints and limits, and teach the team how to solve problems through effective collaboration for better results. Todd Henry, a renowned creativity consultant, encourages leaders to establish practices that lead to everyday brilliance.
Source: Accidental Creative
Some Thoughts on Becoming Self-Actualized
Source: Scott Young SiteAuthor: Scott Young
In this article, the author explores how some people seem to abruptly change their lives by becoming better versions of themselves seemingly overnight. The author calls this phenomenon discovering self-actualization. The changes are triggered by a fundamental restructuring of belief systems, which often results in a sudden, pervasive increase in self-efficacy.
The article also discusses the common features and potential pitfalls of such a change, and the factors that may increase the likelihood of such a transformative change.
How to Beat Procrastination
Source: Wait But Why
Author: Tim Urban
The procrastinator is in the bad habit, bordering on addiction, of letting the monkey win. He continues to have the intention to control the monkey, but he puts forth a hapless effort, using the same proven-not-to-work methods he’s used for years, and deep down, he knows the monkey will win.
He vows to change, but the patterns just stay the same. So why would an otherwise capable person put forth such a lame and futile effort again and again?
The Art of Feedback: Why Leaders Should Never Let Termination be a Surprise
Article of the Week
In the dynamic landscape of the professional world, effective communication is the cornerstone of successful leadership.
One crucial aspect of communication that often gets overlooked is the art of giving feedback. It's not just about patting someone on the back for a job well done; it's also about addressing areas for improvement and fostering an environment of continuous growth.
Effective communication is a two-way street, and the feedback loop is the vehicle that keeps it flowing smoothly.
For leaders, providing regular and constructive feedback is not just a managerial duty—it's a responsibility that shapes the professional journey of their team members.
When feedback becomes a consistent part of the workplace culture, it transforms into a powerful tool for improvement and development.
Book Notes #100: Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss
Book Notes of the Week
In Tools of Titans, Tim Ferriss shares the habits and beliefs of hundreds of high-performing people, including tech investors, entrepreneurs, athletes, and entertainers. The premise of the book is that if you emulate the habits and beliefs of people who succeed the way you want to succeed, you too can be successful.
The book stands as a compendium of distilled wisdom, offering readers a backstage pass to the minds of accomplished individuals.
Ferriss seamlessly weaves together diverse insights, creating a tapestry of guidance for those seeking excellence.
The book's strength lies not only in its breadth but in its actionable advice, making it a practical guide for transforming aspirations into reality. Whether delving into the secrets of productivity or unravelling the mysteries of optimal health, Ferriss provides a roadmap for success, ensuring that readers emerge equipped with the tools of titans.
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