Weekly Pulse is a content curation and highlights from readings, books, videos, podcasts, insights, ramblings and other interesting things I discovered and digested during the last week.
So, let's go with some discoveries from last week!
#1 - Pipelines, Platforms, and the New Rules of Strategy
#2 - Knowledge Workers Are More Productive from Home
#3 - How companies can help mid-level managers navigate agile transformations
#4 - How Project Managers Can Stay Relevant in Agile Organizations
#5 - What is the Made in China 2025 Plan
#6 - What is the China 2030 Plan
#7 - What is the China 2049 Plan
Pipelines, Platforms, and the New Rules of Strategy
Source: Harvard Business ReviewAuthor: Marshall W. Van Alstyne, Geoffrey G. Parker, and Sangeet Paul Choudary
Year: 2016
Summary: To understand how the rise of platforms is transforming competition, we need to examine how platforms differ from the conventional “pipeline” businesses that have dominated industry for decades. Apple’s handset business is essentially a pipeline. But combine it with the App Store, the marketplace that connects app developers and iPhone owners, and you’ve got a platform.
Knowledge Workers Are More Productive from Home
Source: Harvard Business ReviewAuthor: Julian Birkinshaw, Jordan Cohen, and Pawel Stach
Year: 2020
Summary: Researchers studied knowledge workers in 2013 and again during the 2020 pandemic lockdown and found significant changes in how they are working. They learned that lockdown helps people focus on the tasks that really matter. The number of tasks rated as tiresome dropped from 27% to 12%, and the number we could readily offload to others dropped from 41% to 27%.
How Companies Can Help Midlevel Managers Navigate Agile Transformations
Source: McKinseyAuthor: Aaron De Smet, Chris Smith, and Daidree Tofano
Year: 2019
Summary: Helping midlevel managers make the transition to agile can take a lot of effort, but the payoff is worthwhile. Another way is to give midlevel managers the support and training they need to become leaders, with more responsibility for inspiring teams and providing them with the assistance and resources they need to be effective.
How Project Managers Can Stay Relevant in Agile Organizations
Source: Harvard Business ReviewAuthor: Jeff Gothelf
Year: 2021
Summary: Traditionally, the practice of project management has taken a linear approach. Based on the assumption that projects have a clear definition of “done,” project managers have generally been trained to work towards explicit and pre-defined deadlines, budgets, and scopes. But that assumption is becoming increasingly inaccurate.
What is the Made in China 2025 Plan
Source: William Meller - New ArticleSummary: Made in China 2025 is a strategic plan that was initiated in 2015 to reduce China’s dependence on foreign technology and promote Chinese technological manufacturers in the global marketplace. Introduced in 2015, the grand plan seeks to transform China’s manufacturing base from being a low-end manufacturer to becoming a high-end, high-tech producer.
What is the China 2030 Plan
Source: William Meller - New ArticleSummary: China 2030: Building a Modern, Harmonious, and Creative High-Income Society is an extensive study of the Economy of China published in 2012 by the World Bank. The report is based on the strong conviction that China has the potential to become a modern, harmonious, and creative society by 2030.
What is the China 2049 Plan
Source: William Meller - New ArticleSummary: China has a goal of becoming one of the world's most developed nations by its centenary in 2049. To achieve it, over the next 30 years it will lay down more infrastructure than the rest of the world has in its history, modernizing and greening cities and buildings, embracing technology, and finding new ways to care for and feed over 1.3 billion people.
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